This article was published on January 26, 2015

We’ve just sold the 700th ticket to TNW Conference Europe, get yours now!

We’ve just sold the 700th ticket to TNW Conference Europe, get yours now!

The Next Web turns 10 this year and the team behind TNW Conference is preparing for an ambitious program. This year we’re expanding our offering for startups and bringing back some of the most successful speakers from the past 10 years.

TNW Conference 2015 is expected to attract 3,500 people this year as international tech speakers descend on the Dutch capital. The first names to be announced are: Y Combinator Partner Justin Kan; Getting Things Done author David Allen; Vice President of Forrester, Julie Ask; and the infamous Tucker Max. For the 10th anniversary we’ve also asked power speakers and favourites such as Mark Randall, Gary Shapiro and Brewster Kahle back on stage.

So, what can you expect from this 10th edition of The Next Web Conference? We’ll have a two-day power-packed program featuring pitching sessions, high-profile keynotes and an expanded business area. The main conference itself will take place on 23-24 April 2015, and the Hack Battle starts a day earlier.

The Next Web Conference began in 2006 as a one-day conference with Michael Arrington as keynote speaker. Over the years we’ve watched the conference grow significantly, from a small yet cozy event to one of the industry’s leading conferences. Limited tickets are now available at €530, with prices set to increase on February 6th.

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