Europe EU says YouTube’s not (always) responsible for user copyright infringements Thomas Macaulay 3 years ago
streaming services Musicians earn less than 1 cent per stream — here’s what needs to change The Conversation 4 years ago
Business How to legally protect your ideas when hiring freelancers in the US Alejandro Uria 5 years ago
Google How a shady anti-piracy company got Google to take down posts containing the word ‘did’ Tristan Greene 5 years ago
Internet Brexit saves UK from the terrible EU copyright laws it helped create Már Másson Maack 5 years ago
Google Sonos says Google stole its speaker tech, asks for product ban in court Rachel Kaser 5 years ago
Music Little-known aspect of US copyright law means creators can reclaim their work Dave Davis 5 years ago
Data You can now get 100,000s of books for FREE — thanks, confusing copyright law Callum Booth 5 years ago