This article was published on April 15, 2009

Smile: Here comes the Sun

Smile: Here comes the Sun

Sun Microsystems’ Startup Essentials are Giga sponsors of The Next Web Conference, and their Startup Rally series kicks off tomorrow in Amsterdam.

‘Spotlight’ Video Elevator Pitches

However, they have not forgotten how many startups entered but did not make it to the final cut, nor how many talented startups are visiting The Next Web Conference, so they have arranged a ‘Spotlight’ facility at the Sun Startup Essentials Stand, where startups can film their own elevator pitch, which will then appear later the same day on, along with a paragraph of information, allowing the startup to reach a global audience for free.

Startups can also sign up to the Sun Startup Essentials programme, which offers support, community, events, and even discounts on Sun hardware to help support their development.

Sticker Photo Competition

As if that were not enough, Sun also have two rather nice prizes on offer for the best photos of a Sun Startup Stickers stuck to “willing volunteers“!


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What do you have to do ?

  1. Visit the Sun Startup Essentials stand and get your Essential sticker(s) *
  2. Find willing volunteer(s),** and take a photo of them with sticker(s) – remember the more creative the better! (See Hermione demonstrating below)
  3. Twitter your pictures, using the hashtags #sunstartup #tnw – upload by 3pm Friday 17th April
Hermione Way demonstrates how to stick your startup sticker
Hermione Way demonstrates how to stick your startup sticker

So how do you win?
To win EveryCity On-Demand Hosting

  • Twitter the most individual photos, of separate people, wearing the stickers or

To Win an iPod Touch

  • Take the most interesting/creative/imaginative photo, as judged by the panel of experts

Good luck!

Conditions: * Stickers are limited to x10 per person. Be creative when re-using them! ** Competition entrant must gain permission from persons being photographed * Stickers should be removed and discarded responsibly after photos have been taken.

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